EyeSight and Vision

Discussing 5 Myths on EyeSight and Vision

In the past, there have been a number of myths and misconceptions about eyesight and vision. Some o them have been perpetuated over time and are still believed by people. 

These myths are still believed to be true in these times, despite all the advancements in technology and medicine. While many of these are very close to the truth, most of them are very inaccurate and illogical. 

As someone who wears glasses every day, I know you will agree with me that no carrots can help in fixing eyesight. But there is no need to worry as I am here to help you out. 

The best eye specialists in Pakistan say that a lot of people believe in the eyesight myths so much that they dont even remember what truths they believed in before. So, let’s discuss the mths to tell people what is true and what is not.

Myth 1: Carrots Help in Improving Eyesight

It is most likely the most-heard myth that carrots improve eyesight immensely. But is there any truth to it? The answer is now both yes and no. 

Carrots are full of beta-carotene which is a type of vitamin A that is essential for good eye health. However, if you only rely on eating carrots, then sadly it’s not going to work. It works best if you have a vitamin A deficiency. 

In fact, the consumption of too much vitamin A can be very harmful to the body and can be toxic. So, while it is true that carrots contain nutrients that are great for the eyes, they won’t magically just improve your eyesight overnight. 

So, it is best to add carrots to your diet, but do not depend on them entirely to see a difference. 

Myth 2: Reading in Low-Light Damages the Eyes

Another one of the commonly believed myths is that reading in low light can damage the eyes. While it is true that reading in low light can cause fatigue and strain on the eyes, there is still no evidence that can support this myth that reading in low-light causes permanent damage. 

Also, the ability of the eyes to adjust themselves according to the light means that reading in low light doesn’t damage the eyes in the longer run. 

However, if by any chance you find yourself straining frequently to read in low light, then it can be a sign that you need a new prescription for glasses. 

It can also be a sign for you to take more breaks while reading. Shifting your focus while you read can help a lot. 

Myth 3:  Staring at Screens can Cause Permanent Damage 

In this age of digital age, a number of people spend most of their time staring at their phone screens. Whether it is for work, or for leisure the use of screens has definitely increased. 

But there is still no such evidence that says that staring at screens can cause permanent damage to the eyes. However, some of the common side effects of staring at the screens include dryness, fatigue, and eye strain.  

One of the best ways by which you can alleviate these symptoms is called as the 20-20-20 rule. After every 20 minutes while you stare at the screen, take a look at something 20 feet away, for 20 seconds. Also, use the blue light filter in order to protect your eyes. 

Myth 4: Wearing Glasses Weakens Eyes

Some people think that wearing glasses can weaken the eyes over time and cause them to get dependent on glasses. 

However, this is not at all true. Wearing glasses can help in alleviating eye strain and headaches that can occur from trying to compensate for vision problems. It must also be noted that if you are someone that usually wears glasses, not wearing them for some time can also cause issues. 

Myth 5:  Eye Exercises Improve Vision

Another myth believed by people around is that eye exercises can help in improving vision immensely. Eye exercises, in reality, can not preserve vision or reduce the need for glasses. 

Your vision depends on a number of factors and none of these can be significantly altered with eye exercises. These eye exercises can only work the best when you have convergence insufficiency which is a condition that occurs when eyes dont work together to focus on a nearby object making it difficult to read and focus. 


Eyes and eyesight are the most precious gifts given by God. Taking care of the eyes health is very important. But, at the same time, it is important to ignore the misinformation that has been spread around. The myths and misconceptions about eyes and vision are believed by a lot of people. However, it is always best to do your won research before believing anything.